Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Agudath Israel and the Internet

Also from this month's The Jewish Observer (table of contents page). In case anyone is interested, this is their internet policy:

The Jewish Observer has devoted a great deal of space to the perils of the Internet and to the need for everyone to be extremely vigilant in its use. We have echoed the pleas of our gedolim that it should not be in use, unless it is an unavodiable necessity, and then only with all suitable safeguards. While its dangers must be recognized and controlled to every possible degree, our gedolim recognize that many people and businesses require its use, and therefore it has not been banned. This is why we accept advertisements listing website addresses, but in no way does this imply that the gedolim or The Jewish Observer condone casual use of the Internet.
I don't think this explains why they allow footnotes in articles to reference sources on the web, unless that too is purely for business purposes (no sarcasm or mockery intended here).

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