More on this subject.
The following is based on someone else's notes of R. Dr. Shnayer Z. Leiman's shiur on Marc Shapiro's new book.
1. It is methodologically unsound to argue that the Rambam did not believe in a literal tehiyas ha-meisim (bodily resurrection of the dead) when the Rambam himself wrote an essay declaring that he did believe in it.
2. No rishon disagreed with all or even most of the Rambam's 13 principles. Some even criticized the Rambam for not including more. Rather, the 13 principles represents the consensus of rishonim - and not just moderns.
3. Dr. Shapiro did not show the proper respect in disagreeing with or simply dismissing important scholars.
Friday, March 19, 2004
The Limits of Orthodox Theology II