
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Don't Turn Your Back On Your Community II

The Jewish Week and The Jewish Press weigh in: JP, JW

Gary Rosenblatt concludes:
He does owe Modern Orthodoxy an apology for pinning it with his anger over rejection, knowing full well the rules of engagement. But we in turn owe him a sense of gratitude for a wake-up call, however unpleasant, about the need to struggle more deeply and honestly with the moral and religious tensions and contradictions in Modern Orthodoxy that can never be reconciled, and about learning how to deal more sensitively with those on the outside who may be calling out — in anger and loneliness — for a way back in.
I disagree. All we owe him is a swift kick to the tuches.

(Please note that I do not mean that literally and am not calling for physical violence.)