
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ashkenazic Chief Rabbis of Israel

R. Gershon Tannenbaum lists the Ashkenazic Chief Rabbis of Israel in his "My Machberes" column in this week's The Jewish Press (link):
Rabbi Avraham Isaac Kook, zt”l (1864-1935) Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and prolific author, was appointed as Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of (then) Palestine in 1921 and served until 1935;

Rabbi Yitzchok HaLevi Herzog, zt”l (1889-1959) previous Chief Rabbi of Ireland and author of Heichal Yitzchak, was appointed as successor to Rabbi Kook in 1936 and served until 1959;

Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman, zt”l (1886-1976) Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, was appointed Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1964 to 1973;

Rabbi Shlomo Goren, zt”l (1917-1994) former Chief Rabbi of the Israeli Defense Forces, served as Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983;

Rabbi Avraham Elkanah Kahana Shapira (born 1917) Rosh Yeshiva Mercaz HaRav and author of Even Ha’Ezel, served as Chief Rabbi from 1983 to 1993;

Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau (b. 1937) Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv served as Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1993 to 2003;

and Rabbi Yonah Metzger (b. 1953) Regional Rabbi of North Tel Aviv, was appointed as Chief Rabbi in 2003, and presently serves as the 7th Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel.
There is a three volume history of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel by R. Shmuel Katz: Ha-Rabanut Ha-Roshit Le-Yisrael: Shivim Shanah Le-Yisudah (Heikhal Shlomo, 2002).