Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Parashah Roundup: Mishpatim 5768

by Steve Brizel

Seder Nezikin and Mishpatim

  • R. Jonathan Sacks and R. Berel Wein tell us how and why Seder Nezikin differs so profoundly from the civil and common law systems of law and emphasis the supreme nature of Halacha within Judaism: link I, link II

  • Mishpatim and Kabalas HaTorah

  • R. Aharon Lichtenstein shows how the proper understanding of Mishpatim leads to Kabalas HaTorah in the fullest sense: link

  • Click here to read moreComnunal Involvement and Sensitivity to the Plight of the Downtrodden

  • R. Yissachar Frand, quoting Aggadic passages, proves that learning without involvement and sensitivity, is improper: link

  • Eved Ivri and Eved Knanni

  • R. Yaakov Haber (Torahlab) explains what the Eved Ivri failed to internalize at Maamad Har Sinai,namely that there is only one real form of being an Eved-an Eved HaShem and relates this to our busy lives: link
  • R. Elchanan Samet demonstrates how the halachoss of Eved Ivri and Eved Knani should never be confused with other systems of slavery: link
  • R. Shlomo Wolbe zt"l explains that the Torah's definition of freedom is to independent of outside influences or motivations, even one is performing a mitzvah: link (RTF)

  • Amah Ivriyah

  • R. Efraim Buchwald (mazel tov on his son's engagement!) shows how many halachos relating to Kiddushin and Hilchos Ishus are learned by the Talmud from this halacha: link

  • An Eye for an Eye

  • The Gaon of Vilna (as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass) explains how the Torah Shebicsav itself provides a very strong hint that monetary compensation is the means of compensatory damages: link

  • HaBa Bemachteres

  • R. Mordecai Konrfeld analyzes whether a Biblical verse should be understood solely in its most simple value (Ain Mikra Yotze Midei Pshuto) and shows that the Talmud and many Rishonim offer numerous instances where this principle is not followed: link

  • Ahavas HaGer and Onaas Dvarim

  • R. Shlomo Riskin, based upon a reading of the Ramban, explains why Ahavas HaGer and Onaas Dvarim are crucial elements of interpersonal relationships: link

  • Shabbos-The Bridge Between Bein Adam LaMakom and Bein Adam Lchaveiro
  • R. Zvi Sobolofsky demonstrates why Shabbos, properly observed, is the ultimate unifier of all segments of a Torah based society: link

  • Kashrus

  • R. Meir Yaakov Soloveitchik explores various taamei hamitzvos oriented approaches to Kashrus: link

  • Nuances in Ramban

  • R. Johanan Kapach illustrates how a close reading in Ramban shows his unique method of understanding a Bibical commandment in light of an apparent Machlokes Tannaim: link

  • Naaseh Venishma

  • R. Asher Brander , based upon radically differing views of Rashi and Ramban as to whether Naaseh veNishma preceded Maamad Har Sinai, suggests that both readings refer to the emotional and intellectual approaches to emunah: link
  • R. Zev Leff shows us that when we accept the Torah and precede to understand its meaning, it leads to a powerful concretization of Torah, as opposed to R”L an approach cited by Rashi where one engages in a process of seemingly piecemeal denigration of Torah, its leaders and followers: link
  • R. Michael Rosensweig demonstrates how the internalization of Naaseh vNishma is critical to the development of a Torah personality: link
  • R. Avigdor Nevenzal explains that a true Kabalas HaTorah can only be enthusiasm and the acceptance of those portions of the Torah that were accepted in a lukewarm fashion by prior generations: link

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